My Free Writes are Pretty Short, omg.

Hahaha, I have no life. I am honestly not a part of any organization, unless the two meetings I’ve been to for the Feminist Union count (I don’t think they do). I think hearing about the restaurant was extremely interesting, especially when listening to the different kinds of lexis. I honestly had no idea what was going on, but I thought it was kind of funny to hear the phrases and words and definitely eye-opening.

I think touching on the idea of writing outside of the academic field was interesting. I mean, I was thinking about it entirely on an academic level, so I was drawing on things like my AP classes and Honors classes. Being able to talk about fiction writing was definitely fun, and it helped expose why I tend to overwrite and how that also affects my writing. But I also think that my academic writing has affected my personal writing too—like overusing grammar in personal writing, like when I try to write poetry (I got better last year, thank goodness!).